Innovative partnerships shaping the cultural landscape of Europe

Co-funded by the CREATIVE EUROPE Programme of the European Union

The NEW INHERIT project, approved by the European Commission under the Creative Europe framework program, supports the arts, culture, and heritage. The project has funding of €983,866 and a duration of 24 months, ending in 2026. This project brings together an international and multidisciplinary consortium composed of 8 entities, including experts in education, cultural activators, and public entities from Spain, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Cyprus, and Bulgaria.

This project brings together an international and multidisciplinary consortium composed of 8 entities, including experts in education, cultural activators, and public entities from Spain, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Cyprus, and Bulgaria.

The project aims to revitalize six heritage buildings from the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, located in the cities of Brussels, Weimar, Nicosia, Sofia, Palermo, and Murcia. These buildings, recently renovated or currently undergoing revitalization, will be supported by NEW INHERIT to provide content that fosters cultural and social life.

A key component of this initiative is the Eplatform, which equips young cultural talents with essential skills and learning opportunities. Through this platform, we aim to empower the next generation of cultural leaders, ensuring they have the tools and knowledge needed to sustain and enhance the cultural heritage.

Additionally, the project introduces the innovative CULTURAL EXPERIENCE CREATOR APP. This cutting-edge application, developed using Unreal Engine 5, replicates the heritage buildings and offers new narrative and interactive ways to engage with cultural heritage. This app not only enhances the visitor experience but also provides a dynamic educational tool that brings history to life through immersive storytelling and interactive features.

By integrating technology and education, NEW INHERIT seeks to create vibrant cultural hubs that connect the past with the present, making heritage accessible and engaging for all.

CGE Erfurt e.V. is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Erfurt, founded in 2005 and run by migrant-background professionals. Within the framework of non-formal education, CGE empowers participants and communities as active agents in their learning journey. 

Up project is a SME which focuses on digital tools and innovative solutions. UP PROJECT has developed several projects which became a part of the company know-how and established the ground of a strong and scalable software platform that is now the basis of several projects. The mentioned experience enables UP PROJECT to develop the WP3 as a user-friendly platform for communication, interaction & sharing information between tourism SMEs and stakeholders.

Urban Foxes is a multi-disciplinary placemaking collective based in Brussels, with team members all over the world, creating and facilitating innovative & inclusive projects, workshops and giving lectures in different countries. Our aim is to improve urban health and wellbeing, focussing on the inclusion of neglected stakeholders, with an emphasis on free access, use and creation of high-quality public spaces and social interaction. 

At YEU, Youth for Exchange and Understanding(YEU) works to promote peace, understanding and cooperation between the young people of the world, in a spirit of respect for human rights. YEU as a pioneer in the field of youth NGOs is experienced in Non-Formal-Education. YEU specializes in employing Non-Formal Education methods to foster tolerance and awareness among young people from diverse countries, cultures, and traditions. 

Sguardi Urbani was founded in Palermo in 2014 with the mission to promote urban sustainability and to foster citizen participation. The organisation works mainly on the local level and its main activities regards the planning and implementation of non formal education workshops with youngsters, the planning and implementation of urban regeneration projects, consultancy for NGOs and public administrations in the field of participatory planning and deliberative democracy.

Municipality of Murcia have ample experience in the management of culture and cultural heritage, managing and re-designing public spaces and both historical as well as natural heritage. Furthermore, Murcia is a member of Eurocities, where we co-chair the Digital Citizenship Taskforce within the Digital Forum (DiF), are members of the City Branding Working Group within the Economic Development Forum (EDF) and are members of the core group formed on water management and the Urban Water Agenda 2030.

In Gradoscope, we believe in the power of global networks and like to work in multidisciplinary collaborations with different experts and organizations for specific purposes. Building sustainable futures through collaborative action. Our expertise spans community engagement, strategic communication, and dynamic project planning. Together, we envision, implement, and manage pilot projects, fostering inclusive growth and development.

Emphasys Centre offers a wide range of courses and has trained a large number of participants from Cyprus and all over Europe over the last few years. ICT Training courses are designed based on current trends of the area under investigation and adapted according to the needs, interests and background knowledge of each group of learners.